I charge by time, not modality. Based on your concerns, I will create a personalized massage, combining some or all of the following: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Trigger Point, Massage Cupping, Passive/Active Stretching, Thai, & Neuromuscular Therapy as needed or requested.
60 minutes = $100
90 minutes = $140
120 minutes = $180
Typically more focused, Deep Tissue Massage targets deeper layers of fascia and muscle, resulting in a greater release of tension and increased joint mobility. While receiving Deep Tissue Massage, you may feel discomfort or mild pain. Breathing deeply and slowly during these moments brings oxygen to the tissue and helps calm the central nervous system. You may experience mild soreness the day after a deep tissue session. This is common and usually lasts about a day.
The less amount of the body that is covered during the massage, the deeper I can go. Spot treatment sessions are more concentrated on your area of concern. These sessions can be more intense, but typically bring about the greatest relief. I place SPORTS MASSAGE within this category. Sports Massage targets sports-related injuries.
Focused on the entire body as a whole and not on a specific area of pain, Relaxation Massage invites your mind to quiet down and your muscles to unwind. Combining a Swedish style with occasional light stretching offers gentle de-stressing without having to breathe through deep strokes or endure soreness the next day.

Surrounding each muscle and internal organ is a tight web of connective tissue called Fascia. It is the “glue of the body”. Dehydration and/or lack of movement can cause the fascia to stiffen and tighten around the muscle, like shrink-wrap. Massage cupping is an ancient Eastern technique of applying suction cups to the skin which results in
lifting the tissue instead of compressing it. This allows fresh blood and lymph to reach the muscle, accelerating the internal healing response. Sometimes marking occurs. These temporary marks are a result of stagnation underneath and last about 1-7 days.
Read more about cupping.
Thai Massage, also called Thai Yoga Massage, has been described as “having yoga done to you”. Originating in India 2500 years ago, Thai Massage was created to help monks sit for hours at a time and meditate. When receiving Thai Massage, the client is completely clothed, and carried through many yoga postures, stretches, and compressions that gradually increase in pressure. Traditionally, Thai Massage is performed on a large mat on the floor. Because there isn’t enough space in my studio for a Thai mat, I have created a Thai Fusion technique that blends Thai and Western Massage concepts. Personally, I find Thai Massage to be most therapeutic on the lower body. However, the relaxation effect of a full body Thai session is incomparable.

Gift cards are available for purchase at my office or over the phone. To obtain your gift cards remotely, I’ll accept payment over the phone and either mail the gift certificate or email a digital version to you or your intended recipient.
Gift certificates are available for any amount you decide.
PLEASE NOTE: All sales are final. Gift certificates contain no cash value. Expiration date is firm, set one year from the date of purchase. You must present gift certificate to redeem. Lost gift certificates are not redeemable.